14 February 2011


While some users merely uses an email account just for registering to services such as Facebook, to some, an email account is just as important as one’s bank account which is why Google is adding another layer of security to its email service. It’ doesn’t matter how secure you are, there’s always a way to lose your account be it whether it got hacked or your information got compromised because some other web services got hacked. The new security feature is called a 2-step verification feature that can add another layer of security onto your Google account.

After you activate the new feature which will be slowly rolled out over the next few days, the next time you log into your Google account, you’ll have to key in a password and a code which will be sent to your phone. Google will either call you with the code, send you an SMS message or give you the choice to generate the code yourself using a mobile application on Android, BlackBerry or iPhone devices so no, you do not need to have cellular or internet connection all the time.

But don’t worry, if you think that password is secure enough for you and do not wish to have another redundant step to waste your precious, you’ll be glad to hear that this is an opt-in feature. For those who are interested, you’ll have to log into your Google Account settings page and activate it. I’m secretly glad it’s an opt-in feature and not an opt-out thing because explaining to people and telling them how to remove is most definitely a pain in the rear end.

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