01 March 2011


I don’t know what’s true anymore, did 500,000 (or 0.29%) of Gmail users get hit by the unfortunate Monday blues bug that erased email accounts or is it 150,000 (0.08%) of users? Now, it has been reported that only a mere 0.02% of Gmail users were affected, roughly adding up to about only 38,000 users. But whatever the actual figure is, Google has reported that one third of those affected accounts have already been restored and the rest of the users will get back their accounts within the next 12 hours.

Mind you, Google only said that they will restore accounts and not emails; representatives from Google did not mention anything about all the data stored inside those email accounts. However, they did say that their engineers are working very fast on restoring the data as well so I guess not all hope’s lost; you still have a chance to get back your email. If you’re one of the unlucky ones struck by this unfortunate incident, well, the bright side is, what are the chances of being one of the 0.02% users? Good luck to you and as for the rest of the Gmail users or any mails for that instance, backup is virtue especially if your data is so important, your life’s dependent on it.

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