10 March 2011


Looks like there's one more use for the iPad that some photographers can enjoy. With the US$10 app called LRPAD, you can now use your iPad to make adjustments to your images via a plug-in installed on your main machine. This will make full use of your screen real estate, allowing you to hide your adjustments panel in Lightroom and instead use the 10.1 inches of the iPad for that purpose. 

The app allows you to manipulate the sliders in Lightroom's main sections, Basic, Detail, Colour, Camera and Metadata. The big issue here with anything over a wireless connection is that there will be quite a noticeable lag between your finger adjusting the slider, to the effect appearing on screen. This to me is a dealbreaker as when I post-process my image, I want to see instant results and I can only imagine how frustrating it would be to adjust minute things like sharpness and contrast would be on a laggy device. 

All in all it's a good concept and if it was a little bit faster, LRPAD would have my money. For now, I'll just stick to my standard workflow thank you very much!

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